How the hell did these guys get jobs? With The Witcher Season 3 being a total failure on nearly every front for Netflix and the show’s producers, these very producers have now decided to turn against the fans AND BLAME US for the show’s failure.
These types of people should NEVER, EVER, EVER work in any form of filmmaking and/or entertainment for the sake of everyone’s sanity and decency.
Despite objectively having an asininely stupid plot that disregards the original source material for fun, The Witcher executive producer Tomek Baginski has decided to go after American viewers by calling them unintelligent and simply too stupid to understand the nuances of the original book series, which forced the show and writers to make their crap fanfiction instead. And, to put things simply, Tomek Baginski and his ilk are the literal personification of cancer in the entertainment world.
I really don’t want to come off as unnecessarily cruel or vindicative (well, I actually kind of do for these ass cracks of people), but Tomek Baginski and every one of the modern entertainment producers, showrunners, writers, actors, etc. who think like him are as useless and stupid as The Witcher show itself. Actually, comparing Baginski to the show is a grave insult to the show.
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, professional rotten pumpkin brain…excuse me…producer Tomek Baginski sat down for an interview with Wyborcza, a Polish entertainment news publication, and flat out said all of the fan backlash and disinterest in The Witcher was not because the show stupidly threw the original source material in the garbage and wrote their own awful fanfiction instead, but rather was down to American audiences not being smart enough to understand the plot of the novels.
Now, before I point out that The Witcher novel series have been translated into 37 languages (with the English translations coming out from 2007-18), has sold 15M copies worldwide, and The Witcher trilogy of video games (for ENGLISH-SPEAKING AUDIENCES PRIMARILY) from gaming studio CD Projekt Red has sold an utterly incredible 75M copies (with The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt having sold 50M copies by itself), let me just say that casting any denomination of people as stupid or inferior due to their “intelligence” is just downright wrong.
And, when you not only do that to a group of 330M+ people with an extremely diverse, wide-ranging cultural heritage, backgrounds, and educations like Americans have (which includes me), but you also say that of your PRIMARY FANBASE and EMPLOYEERS, it makes you sound like the stupid and arrogant one.
Does Baginski seriously not realize that his showrunner and boss, Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich, is an American, Netflix is an American-created and owner streaming service, and his primary audience denominations is the 330M+ Americans? Baginski would not even have a job if it wasn’t for Americans being in the positions of authority and power within the entertainment industry.
Hell, the entire cinema and television genre was pioneered in America by Americans!

(Netflix-The Witcher-Season 3 Official Trailer)
And this dickhead really has the gall to claim that Americans are too stupid and ignorant to appreciate complex political shows and cinema? Does he realize that Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Rome, House of Cards, John Adams, The West Wing, The Wire, The Crown, Deadwood, etc. have been the most popular and beloved shows these last 15 years?
I’m sorry, but this guys just a fucking idiot who not only can’t comprehend what audiences want to watch or how to put together a good show, but who also can’t admit and accept his own shortcomings and lack of talent. The reason why The Witcher show sucks is not because the show is too complicated and people can’t understand its plots, but because its plots are so bare bones and nonsensical.
Fools like Baginski act like they’re so superior and brilliant over us in the masses of fans, but at the end of the day, they are the ones who are making these stupid, inaccurate “adaptations” of beloved novels and T.V. show. If there’s anyone who’s stupid, the only people who’ve made it known beyond a shadow of a doubt are those people.
The reasons why Henry Cavil left the show and why the show has gone downhill ever since Season 1 (and all the narrative issues in S1) are really coming to a forefront the more the people behind the show speak out.
Images Source: Featured Image: (Netflix) (The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix – YouTube)
In Text Image 1: (Netflix) (The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix – YouTube)