I’m not entirely sure why this was a question in the first place? Wasn’t Steve Rodgers’ fate settled in Avenger: Endgame? I guess not as Chris Evans has just swatted away any rumor of his reprisal of Captain America for the foreseeable future.
Recently, The Hollywood Reporter sent out a tweet saying that it was “unclear if Chris Evans would reprisal his role as the first Captain America”, which obviously implies that Anthony Mackie’s, the second Captain America, time as the Cap was over before it even started.
Rightful, Chris Evans shot down the idea by retweeting the Hollywood Reporter tweet and saying: “Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) is Captain America”.
You may be wondering, “Is this really a big deal? Why does it matter if Chris Evans comes back as Captain America? He was a great at it.” To which I would say: yes. Yes, tt is a big deal. Here’s why:
I know Marvel has the multiverse, where there could be a million different variations of Captain America. We have already (sort of) seen one in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie and the What If?… show: Captain Carter.
In those timelines, it was Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) that donned the shield and uniform to take over the fight from Steve Rodgers against the Nazi’s in World War II. Although now that I think of it, why wasn’t Captain Carter called Captain Britian? To me, that would be the logically bridge between a nationality change for the Captain.
Anyway, the reason why Sam Wilson should be the only representation as Captain America (for now) is for consistency and continuity. If Marvel just starts trotting out one Captain America after another, then everyone will be confused as to who is the true captain America.
Is it Sam Wilson, who was handpicked by Steve Rodgers to succeed him? Or is it actually Steve Rodgers from another timeline? Who knows at that point?
For Anthony Mackie’s time as Captain America to work, he needs to be the only iteration of the Captain America.
Nevertheless, it is perfectly fine for Peggy Carter to be Captain Carter. She is a completely different character, as is Sam Wilson, who is taking up the mantel as an “alternate” version of Captain America. If another Steve Rodgers “clone/variant” was to come back, then that would just be confusing and contradictory to Carter and Wilson’s versions of Captain America.
So, I guess what I’m saying is that as long as another Steve Rodgers is not coming into the Marvel universe, then everything should be okay.
Plus, it is good to see Chris Evans giving his friend, Anthony Mackie, his own spotlight in the role. For a long time, Falcon (Sam Wilson) was Captain America’s underappreciated partner. It was time for him to take center stage as one of the lead Avengers.

(Disney-Falcon And The Winter Soldier-Captain America Trailer)
Now, we can see Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie deal with the challenges and dilemmas being Captain America comes with in an entirely different way to Steve Rodgers/Chris Evans’ version.
Images Source: Featured Image: (Disney) (Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War – Trailer 2 – YouTube)
In Text Image 1: (Marvel) (Captain America | Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier | Disney+ – YouTube)
Other Sources: (Chris Evan Twitter/@ChrisEvans) (Chris Evans on Twitter: “@THR Sam Wilson is Captain America” / Twitter)