She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 4 Just Proves This Series Is Hopeless

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (Disney/Marvel-She-Hulk: Attorney At Law-Official Trailer)

Why did I vow to review this show? She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 4 has continued to follow in the trend of its previous three entries…meaning that it’s still boring!

I have given up all hope on this show. It’s just not getting better, even with the cameos of fan-favorites, such as Bruce Banner/Hulk and Wong. Even these witty, legacy characters can’t redeem this mess of a show, which is a huge indictment on how bad She-Hulk really is.

Anyway, let me talk about this episode’s plot. In essence, this week’s episode revolves around a reject/dropout of the Mystic Arts’ sorcery temple recklessly using the magic in a magic show. Wong, the new sorcerer supreme, learns about this and, instead of dealing with the dropout directly, goes to She-Hulk to bring a copyright infringement lawsuit against the dropout.

If you’re questioning the plot behind this episode, you’re not alone. This dropout, named Donny Blaze, was recklessly sending members of his show’s audience into different dimensions and portals using the Mystic Arts magic.

Yet, instead of Wong imprisoning this guy for blatantly disregarding the rules of the Magic Arts and endangering the lives of dozens, he tries to enforce a copyright infringement against him?

Does that make any sense?

It’s not worth even talking about the speed dating portion of this episode as that was dumb too. The writers on this show should be ashamed of themselves for creating some of the WORST CARITURES of characters I’ve ever seen.

Who thought that the characters of Donny Blaze, Madisynn (with two N’s, one Y, but it’s not where you think…oh, never mind it’s even worse when writing it), and the men Jen Walters went on a date with were funny or accurate to real people? And, if the point was to make caricatures, then all I can ask is why? It’s just not funny.

This show is now oozing stupidity at this point, and I’m completely shocked that Disney/Marvel allowed it to be released in the first place. She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is actively damaging the brand of Marvel, in my opinion, as it is not only an embarrassment, but also is ruining the character of She-Hulk.

Nonetheless, for those who will say that my criticisms are unjust as I’m not the intended target audience, I understand. I’m not a 30+, single woman trying to find a romantic partner or find a job, which is the target audience of this show.

But, that justification just raises an even more important question: why is Marvel making a show solely targeting these people?

The VAST majority of Marvel fans are children and young adults looking to seek escapism from their normal lives through their favorite superheroes. That’s just the nature of superhero fans.

What eleven-year-old girl (or boy, but I’ll use a girl for this example) is going to log onto Disney+, see She-Hulk listed, watch the first four episodes, and say, “Hey, I relate to She-Hulk’s struggles with dating obnoxious, arrogant men and having to settle for a job that only hired me because I was a Hulk?”. The answer is none! No kid, whether they are a boy or girl, is going to find anything relatable or funny about this version of She-Hulk.

And I’m not even sure a 30+, single woman would either. Plus, I wouldn’t be surprised to see that they aren’t watching this show.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with targeting 30+, single woman, but being realistic, are they really going to come out in swarms to watch this series like kids would for the Avengers? I think we all know the answer is no.

Moreover, there are just better comedies/dramas (such as Killing Eve, Sex and The City, and Fleabag just to name a few) out there for them to watch. In truth, everything about this show, from its writing, characters, CGI, and marketing decisions, has been a disaster. No wonder Hulk dipped out after the second episode.

Regardless, I’m giving this episode a 5.5/10. Wong is always funny and great to watch, so I gave the episode a few points for his inclusion.


Images Source: Featured Image:

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