When something is free its obviously worth it, but what about from a gigabyte perspective? The Witcher 3 long awaited Next-Gen Update is finally coming out this December and it will be free for everyone who already owns the Last-Gen game, but is it worth the hard drive space?
Like I said, anything that is free is always worth taking, and especially when that free thing is the 2015 Game of the Year, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.
The story of Geralt of Rivia searching for his time-bending, long-lost daughter in the midst of a war-torn, broken Temaria as two apocalyptic, otherworldly forces stand to destroy the world if he fails not only was the best game of 2015 but has also been one of the greatest games ever created.
Simply put, the original version of the Witcher 3 is still worth $60 today, let alone being free for everyone who has already purchased the game. And that’s the problem.
Now, I appreciate the effort that the CD Projekt Red team has put into making this game and there is still more information to be released about the update, but I think it is reasonable to assume that the update will be over 100 gigabits, which would surpass the base game’s approximately 53GB.
I mean, when you add next-gen ray-tracing, faster load screens/times, 2022 state-of-the-art technical and visual improvements, and integrated community mods, the game will inevitable become more complicate and require more storage, RAM, data transmissions, etc. than the original game ever needed. Thus, the need for more gigabytes to hold said information.
Anyway, the reason why I’m even bringing this up is because it seems like it’s unnecessary to create a Next-Gen game that will require dozens of more gigabytes of one’s limited computer storage when one can just download similar mods from the Nexus page.
Perhaps I’m just overthinking this too much, but it seems like you will need to have both the old Witcher 3, and the Next-Gen Witcher 3 downloaded to be able to play the new game without having to pay.
If that is the case (which I hope it isn’t), then the Next-Gen Witcher 3 would be over 150+ gigabytes!
Thankfully, I really don’t see that as the case as it appears like it will only be an update of the original that will raise the gigabyte requirement to 100 or so.
Nevertheless, I’m still extremely excited for this Next-Gen update as CD Projekt Red has not only promised enhanced visuals, but also new story content! Unfortunately, it’s only related to the Netflix show’s Witcher, so take what you will from those updates.
All I’m saying is that they better not change the character models to match the show’s versions of them.
So, at the end of the day, I do believe it will be worth the precious gigabyte storage space.
Images Source: Featured Image: (CD Projekt Red) (The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt)