Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date…Which Is A Huge Problem

Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date...Which Is A Huge Problem (Disney/Lucasfilm-The Bad Batch-Season 2 Official Trailer)

This was a great episode to change up the pace of the series, but it introduced a massive issue. Despite ignoring the Bad Batch, Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 was easily the best show of the entire series as it focused on the complex internal struggles of Commander Cody and Crosshair in the wake of Order 66.

This was always going to be a huge issue for the series ever since it was announced.

How was Lucasfilm and Dave Filoni going to create a compelling, organic narrative surrounding a rather ordinary (in terms of personality) clone force that not only was introduced in the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but also expand said series for 3-5 seasons of interesting plots, character growth, etc.? Well, this latest episode was one of the only ways to do it.

The clones were already made out to be heroic, brave, and compassionate soldiers of the Republic in the seven season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The bonds and relationships the clones made with each other, the Jedi, and the beings of the galaxy made the show as great as it was as it highlighted the inherent goodness and uniqueness in the clone army before its brainwashing at the hands of Emperor Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith.

So, focusing on a unit of ordinary clone troopers, despite being genetically different from the regular clones, for an entire series was always going to be a difficult task as not only have we already seen seven seasons of the clones playing the “heroic soldier” role, but also the Bad Batch clones are rather boring.

Aside from Crosshair, there’s nothing overly compelling about the Bad Batch.

Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date...Which Is A Huge Problem(Disney/Lucasfilm-The Bad Batch-Season 2 Official Trailer)
Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date…Which Is A Huge Problem
(Disney/Lucasfilm-The Bad Batch-Season 2 Official Trailer)

Hunter is the generic leader/tracker archetype, Wrecker is the generic muscleman, gun-happy archetype, Tech is the generic technological genius archetype, and Echo, who was not an original member of the Bad Batch, has seen his potential wasted with his inclusion in the squad.

As one of the original clones to be created, Echo should have been given far more gravitas and respect in this series. The guy is an Arc-Trooper, one of the heroes from the Battle of Kamino, a member of the 501st clone legion (the most fearsome) and then sacrificed himself to save his fellow rescuers during The Citadel arc.

Plus, he had one of the best character arcs in The Clone Wars’ history as he went from being a bookish, strictly-by-the-rules soldier to a heroic, rule-breaker in his “final act” (he obviously survived) during The Citadel mission.

Yet, you wouldn’t know any of that as he’s been cast off and neglected as a worthless side character for most of the time. In truth, for all of his accomplishment, he should be the leader of the Bad Batch and not Hunter, who is easily the weakest and least interesting member. But that’s another story for another article.

Unlike Hunter, Crosshair is the only interesting member of the team as he not only has a huge internal conflict brewing with his loyalty to the Empire and his fellow clone brothers conflicting, but his likeability also is supplemented by the genetic mutations the rest of the Bad Batch suffered.

Unlike the rest of the Bad Batch, his elite sharpshooting mutation DOES NOT define his character. It only enhances it.

Anyway, like I said, the reason why this episode was because we saw how the actions the clones took during Order 66 and the final days of the Republic are now starting to eek and knag at them. That was mainly seen through the lenses of Cody and Crosshair as they were forced to violently take out one of the last Separatist holdout planets and implement an Imperial governor to the world.

It was honestly heartbreaking to watch Cody, who was the first clone commander to execute Order 66, struggle with his decision to kill his best friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi (which we know survived), and continue to question if what the Empire was doing was right as he brought death and destruction to what was a peaceful, uninvolved world.

Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date...Which Is A Huge Problem(Disney/Lucasfilm-The Bad Batch-Season 2 Official Trailer)
Bad Batch S2 Episode 3 Is The BEST Of The Series To Date…Which Is A Huge Problem
(Disney/Lucasfilm-The Bad Batch-Season 2 Official Trailer)

Maybe I’m alone in thinking this, but I’ll always want to watch one of the OG famous clones over the Bad Batch as they not only are just 10X more interesting, but they also have better characterization and relatability.

Nevertheless, the real reason as to why this is an issue is down to the fact that Dave Filoni decided to focus this series on the Bad Batch. If he had just made this show similar to the Clone Wars where different characters would have 3-4 episode arcs, then this wouldn’t be nearly as big of an issue as the Bad Batch wouldn’t be on full display EVERY EPISODE.

However, seeing how that is not the case, the show is clearly suffering from the fact that the protagonists are just flat out boring. Like I said, Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker are solely characterized through their mutations, Echo is not the same clone as we saw in The Clone Wars, Crosshair is not in all of the episodes, and Omega is a rather stagnant character.

And that’s too bad as she had a chance to transform the Bad Batch from an ordinary, stereotypical “special ops” clone force into something more memorable.

Unless the Bad Batch go on a huge character-growth journeys this season or the focus is shifted to more interesting characters, then I fear Bad Batch Season 2 will be as tepid as the first season.

As for this episode, I’m giving it a 9.5/10 as it was easily the best thing to come out of this series so far.


Images Source: Featured Image: (Disney/Lucasfilm) (Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)

In Text Image 1: (Disney/Lucasfilm) (Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)

In Text Image 2: (Disney/Lucasfilm) (Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)





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