The Blue Beetle Trailer ACTUALLY Called Batman A “Fascist”…

The Blue Beetle Trailer ACTUALLY Called Batman A "Fascist"... (Warner Bros. Discovery/DC-The Dark Knight-Trailer)

Is Warner Bros. and DC actually trying to destroy their own companies? Despite trying to reboot the DC brand with the new James Gunn universe, the latest Blue Beetle trailer thought it would be a great idea to call Batman, the most famous DC superhero, a “fascist”.

The way these companies, writers, studios, and executives are defacing legacy characters is really getting on my nerves.

The writers and editors for the first Blue Beetle trailer, a film depicting the first film debut for the Mexican American-origin superhero Jaime Reyes, somehow thought it would be a great idea to have the central Reyes family openly mock and deface Batman, the most popular DC superhero, by calling him a “fascist”. And, to be honest, I think that one scene has completely turned me off from seeing this film.

How in the hell did I miss George Lopez calling Batman a fascist when I first watched the trailer? I swear DC and Warner Bros. added that part after the trailer came out as I watched 100% of the way through (or at least I thought I did as I saw the comic books promotion at the end) when I first reviewed the trailer. Yet, I thought I would have remembered hearing George Lopez call Batman a fascist in a non-parodying way, but I guess not.

Anyways, for those who have no idea what I’m talking about, there has been a wave of controversy surrounding the Blue Beetle trailer as one of Blue Beetle’s relatives, the one played by George Lopez, called Batman a fascist out of nowhere after Blue Beetle compared his gear to Batman’s.

Yes, that’s a thing that was actually scripted by “professional” (and I use that term loosely) Hollywood writers, acted out, filmed by a “professional” director, and then edited into the debut trailer by a “professional” editor.

Am I crazy for thinking this is some absolutely bonkers stuff?

First of all, it’s extremely IRRESPONISBLE to be throwing a word around like “fascist” given the historical and political connotation attached to the word in any situation, and even more so when describing one of the most beloved, noble, honorable, famous and heroic superheroes in cinema history.

Secondly, isn’t DC trying to bring back fans to its dying franchise, not drive away even more hardcore fans like me on cheap 21st political messaging.

I, along with millions of other DC fans, have grown up and adored Batman for being one of the most inspirational and awe-inspiring characters in fiction, comic book, television, and film history, and I’m just not going to go see a movie that craps all over him and calls him such a deplorable term just because the writers have some twisted view of Batman’s character.

And that’s a real shame as I actually liked the Blue Beetle trailer outside of that one line (which I somehow missed), and I was looking forward to seeing Jaime Reyes brought to the big screen for the first time. Honestly, what serious and impactful entertainment franchise goes around calling its best and most inspiring characters fascists for cheap humor and jokes (which I’m praying is just the case)?

The Blue Beetle Trailer ACTUALLY Called Batman A "Fascist"...(Warner Bros. Discovery/DC-Blue Beetle-Official Trailer)
The Blue Beetle Trailer ACTUALLY Called Batman A “Fascist”…
(Warner Bros. Discovery/DC-Blue Beetle-Official Trailer)

Oh, that’s right, the ones who employee garbage, crap, useless, and frankly braindead writers to create shows and movies for them.

Anyways, the response and justification some of the cast have given for calling Batman that horrible term might be even worse than calling Batman a fascist in the first place. Xolo Mariduena, the actor playing Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, said in response to the criticism, “I can’t reveal if more superheroes are mentioned, but the Batman one is obviously in the trailer, and I think we will experience certain superheroes and opinions through the eyes of the family. If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point.”

Seriously? We were made to “felt some type of way” and spark a discussion about whether or not Batman, one of DC’s greatest heroes, is actually a fascist because the writers on this movie have less braincells than a rotten turkey carcass? Are we also supposed to question if Wonder Woman was a secret Nazi during WWII, or if Superman was one of Stalin’s most devout communist followers during his many purges?

Can you see how STUPID this line is, even if it’s “just” (as if being called a fascist in a non-parodying movie is not a serious offense) a joke?

I’m not saying that saying the word should be banned or anything but calling Batman the same descriptor that the Nazis and Fascist Italians used during the 1930’s, 1940’s, and all throughout World War II, one of the worst time periods in human history, is just abjectly and morally wrong in my opinion.

And I seriously doubt I’m going to be watching this movie now if all the classic DC heroes are made into the most morally repugnant, awful people who’ve ever existed.


Images Source: Featured Image: (Warner Bros. Discovery/DC) (The Dark Knight (Trailer) – YouTube)

In Text Image 1: (Warner Bros. Discovery/DC) (Blue Beetle – Official Trailer – YouTube)

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