He definitely deserved at least 6 games for what he did. Saints All-Pro RB Alvin Kamara has gotten off VERY LIGHTLY by getting a 3-game suspension from the NFL and Roger Goodell for nearly beating a guy to death during the Pro Bowl this past year.
I don’t know how he only got charged with a breach of peace misdemeanor, but he’s lucky.
The Saints and Alvin Kamara are probably rejoicing in the streets of New Orleans right now as the All-Pro RB got extremely lucky with just a 3-game suspension by the NFL and commissioner Roger Goodell for Kamara’s involvement in the breach of peace misdemeanor charge that saw a man get badly beaten in the lead up to this past season’s Las Vegas Pro Bowl. And, I’ve got to be honest, I don’t know how Kamara isn’t in jail right now.
Now, just to be fair and honest with Kamara, the other three people involved in the incident, and the victim himself, Kamara and his three accomplices originally did get charged AND ARRESTED (but released soon after for the trial) on charges of conspiracy to commit bodily harm and battery resulting in substantial bodily harm to some guy named Darnell Greene Jr.
Supposedly (I’m still not really sure what happened), Kamara, former Chiefs (now Colts) cornerback Chris Lammons, Percy Harris (Kamara’s manager; some manager this idiot is), and another guy named Darrin Young got into a dispute with Greene Jr. and ended up attacking Greene Jr. in an elevator, viciously beating the man until he was unconscious, and then chased and attacked him again after initially beating him in the elevator (this is where I’m not sure about the story as I though Greene Jr. was unconscious?).
And, before someone says that these fights are common and that Greene Jr. was just looking for money off Kamara, the beating was so bad that Greene Jr. ended up sustaining an orbital fracture and injuries to his neck, back, shoulder, knees, and face. This is literally a Mortal Kombat level beatdown…which somehow hasn’t resulted in Kamara and Co. going to jail?
I don’t want to sound like I like seeing people go to jail or that I’m advocating for someone to go to prison, but if this was you or I who beat Greene Jr. like this, there’s no way we’re seeing the light of day for the next 3-5 years.
Under Neveda state law, a simple battery WITH NO INJURIES already comes with a punishment of up to 6 months in prison and fines up to $1,000, while batteries with injuries sustained (or substantial bodily harm) can see the defendant go to jail anywhere from 1-5 years with $10k in fines.
Again, I don’t want to sound like I want Kamara to go to jail as I most certainly do not, but unless I’m missing something, Kamara and his friends planned to attack Darnell Greene Jr. (conspiracy to commit bodily harm), did attack Darnell Greene Jr. (simple battery), and then ended up breaking some of Greene Jr.’s bones and beating him unconscious (battery with substantial bodily harm).
I know the charges were eventually reduced to just a misdemeanor charge of a breach of peace and Kamara was forced to do 30 hours of community service and pay $100k in medical bills, but how do the facts of this case (if they’re correct and I’m not missing something obvious) equal into a simple breach of peace charge? I’ve got no idea and I really just don’t care to get too invested in the Nevada criminal justice system.
All I know is that Kamara might be one of the luckiest men alive to not only have just a 3-game suspension from a 17-game NFL season, but also not be sitting inside a 4 X 6 prison cell at the moment for nearly beating a guy to death.
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