Andor Episode 4 Continues The Shows Impressive Start

Andor (Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)

I’m so happy this show is as good as it looked in the trailers. Andor Episode 4 may have been a little slow, but it was still brilliant to watch as the episode explored even deeper into the Rebellion and its early founders.

This was a really fun episode as we are now getting into the nitty gritty aspects of the early Rebellion, along with some of the major players like Mon Mothma and Saw Guerra.

Well, we actually didn’t see Saw Guerra yet, but he was talked about by the rag-tag, undercover group led by Luthen and a woman named Vel, who we and Cassian Andor, meet for the first time. I know the show said her name was Vel, but is it actually her? Or this just some other face Waiff took from the House of Black And White?

For those who didn’t get the reference, the actress, Faye Marsay, who plays Vel was also Waiff from Game of Thrones.

Anyway, the episode starts off with Cassian Andor getting dropped off on the planet Aldhani by Luthen and is told that he will now be a part of team of seven rouges that will be attempting to infiltrate the Imperial Garrison on the planet.

Now, I’m not sure what Luthen’s actually role in the Empire is, but it was also revealed in these earlier moments that he didn’t go to Kerrix to find this Starpath package. Nope, he actually headed to Kerrix to find and recruit Cassian Andor onto this mission, though I’m not sure how he even knew who Andor was.

I’m guessing that’ll be revealed later.

Moving on, Vel and Luthen, who obviously have some kind of past relationship, argue and bicker about bringing Andor onto the mission, but Vel eventually relents and introduces Andor to the rest of the group as Luthen flies away back to Coruscant.

Andor (Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)
(Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)

The rest of Andor’s story this episode revolves around getting to know the key figures of the ploy, such as Vel, as well as understanding his role as the ‘get-away’ driver. It’s not overly exciting, but it really shouldn’t be as we need time to understand and sympathize with these characters. The show is doing this right.

Anyhow, getting back to Luthen, he travels back to Coruscant and completely changes his whole persona. Putting on a fake (but really believable) wig, fancy Imperial clothing, and huge, fancy jewelry, Luthen transforms himself into a famous Imperial artifact collector based right outside the homes of the elite in the Empire’s Capital.

I’ve got to be honest, I found it hilarious to watch Stellan Skarsgård act out a cheerful, happy Imperial elitist to then just be utterly disgusted with himself when he was finished. It really does drive home the importance of secrecy and deception the Rebellions relies on, which this show has masterfully portrayed this far.

Still, we get to see our first scenes of Imperial Senator Mon Mothma (she’s not the leader of the Rebellion yet) as she visits Luthen’s shop and peruses for a gift for her husband…only to cut her act and discuss Rebellion business with Luthen as soon as she’s out of the hearing of her servants.

Apparently, she’s not been able to deliver something (I think it was money/credits, though I’m still not sure) to Luthen but has been unable to do so as the Empire is really cracking down on all of her activities. As I mentioned, even her personally staff, such as drivers, butlers, handmaidens, etc., have been constantly replaced with loyal imperialists (more like spies).

Andor (Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)
(Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)

Nonetheless, she eventually leaves Luthen and returns home only to find that her husband has been setting up a dinner party for all of his wife’s political enemies. Judging by how disgusted Mon Mothma was with him, I don’t think these two are on the best of terms at the moment.

The episode never stated the specific reasons as to why she hated these political guests of her husband, but I’m guessing they must have something to do with interfering with her undercover work with the Rebellion.

She does say that these rivals have ‘cut off Ghorman shipping lanes. Do you know how many will starve?’ which points to the fact that these people are rather brutal. Saving lives and stopping tyranny is her thing, si that’s probably why she despises them.

Though, I do have to just add that Mon Mothma’s actress, Genevieve O’Reilly, has been great so far. She brings the elegant, graceful, yet firm class that Caroline Blakiston, previous Mon Mothma actress, had in The Return of the Jedi. I hope we’ll see more of her in future episodes.

Lastly, the third and final subplot of this episode revolved around the Morlana One guard’s failure to capture Andor.

Yennefer of Vengerberg…ahem…Dedra Meero (Denise Gough, who voice acted Yennefer in the Witcher 3, plays her) and Qyburn…ahem…Major Partagas (Anton Lesser, who played Qyburn in Game of Thrones, plays him) from the Imperial Intelligence Security travel to Morlana One and take over the operations of the trading sector from Syril Karn his fellow inspectors.

Andor (Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)
(Disney/Star Wars-Andor-Official Trailer)

Not much happens with this plot besides Meero feuding with another Imperial Security lieutenant and finding out that there is a connection between the Morlana One escape and previous Rebel incursions against the Empire, which should put her on the path of Luthen, Mon Mothma, and Cassian Andor soon enough.

Okay, the plot may be slightly hard to follow, but I’m really liking this series thus far. It has a suspenseful and eerie feel to it as the small group of Rebels plan the biggest heist/attack on an Imperial facility/base as of yet, while Mon Mothma and Luthen struggle to support the Rebellion with the Emperor’s spies watching their every move.

It has high stakes and political intrigue, which is just great and unique to see in Star Wars projects as of late.

Andor Episode 4 gets a 9.2/10 from me, continuing the great start of this series.


Images Source: Featured Image: (Disney) (Andor | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)

In Text Image 1: (Disney) (Andor | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)

In Text Image 2: (Disney) (Andor | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)

In Text Image 3: (Disney) (Andor | Official Trailer | Disney+ – YouTube)


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